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11 / 07 / 2021

Finding Jesus in my work

‘Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord and not for men’ – Colossians 3:23

Colossians  3:23

Practically living out the above verse is always a challenge.


At work or in school, we face difficult situations, challenging people and even feeling of meaninglessness that makes it feel impossible to imagine that our work is for the Lord. In his video, Jonathan Roumie mentioned the importance of finding Christ in everything we do (or in his case, every character he plays). He brought up the heroin addict character that he played, and how people questioned his decision as he was also playing Jesus in The Chosen. He gave a stern answer that Jesus would especially want to minister to a heroine addict. Likewise, it is especially in times of despair and in the most difficult people that Jesus’ presence is most radiant. He gives our work a greater purpose, to point towards Him and glorify Him.

This video also reminded me to dare to choose Christ. The nature of Christianity makes it anti-cultural at times. Thus, in every industry we will encounter a difficult decision between staying true to faith or conforming to the world. Be it an ethically questionable research project or a media production with dark agendas, as Christians we have the responsibility to say no to things that harms our spirituality. However, we are called to do more than just walk away. Perhaps the Lord put us in such situation to bear the light of Truth and lovingly confront the people around us who have yet accepted this Truth.

Ultimately, in work as in everything else, surrender is key. Jonathan Roumie was at his lowest point when God got him to surrender, it was then that he was offered the role of Jesus in The Chosen and his life was turned upside down. It is easy to be self-reliant in school or at work. We have to let the King of our Heart be sovereign over all aspects of our life, including our work. It is our call as Christians to surrender control and glory over our lives to the one to whom it truly belongs to.

Reflection question:

Why did Jesus send you to your current internship/job/ministry?


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